Made with Cards

Need inspiration? Discover content created with our microlearning solution.

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Training, Communication, Awareness-raising

As an example or as an inspiration, discover below some courses created by our customers & partners.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to be put in contact with the author of these.

Side Safety Position

This module will allow you to discover or review how to deal with an unconscious, breathing person.

Created by:
Culture Prev'

Introduction to Blockchain

Discovery of what the blockchain is, between the control bodies, the operation, the transactions and some examples of uses.

Created by:
Block 4News


Discover our useful OnBoarding template - “Welcome home! You are going to join a...”

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Introduction to stress

Why not start with a short trip to your body to get to grips with this concept of stress?

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Ready For TakeOff

Access to the HUB612 incubator

2 min to facilitate your arrival at HUB612: the address of the incubator, a short video and even the wifi code

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How do you eat an elephant?

There is only one way to eat an elephant... find out how in 2 minutes

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Generative AI

Explore the endless possibilities of generative AI and learn how to create unique and surprising works.

Created by:
Start w/ AI

It's up to you to play!

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