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Learning Routine®

Create learning routines adapted to everyone's pace and progress.
 Maximize Anchoring and the continuous development of your teams.

Learning Routine®

Power of Routines!

Optimize the storage and sequencing of your content by establishing well-thought-out routines. Create and activate your own learning routines to maximize the assimilation and engagement of your learners.
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Learning Routine® by Cards


Your routines in fashion Automatic

Free yourself from the constraints of manual actions. With Learning Routine®, define the type of routine: sequenced in time or based on progress, and track the automatic progress that happens.
Creation de Learning Routine sur Cards


Engage & notify at the right time, on the right medium!

Keep your learners' attention with notifications delivered at the right time, in the right place for the groups concerned. Reinforce everyone's commitment by reminding them of their progress and the next steps.
Engagement et notifications grâces aux Learning Routine ® sur CardsSuivi des progressions et statistiques de complétion sur Cards avec Learning Routine ®

Monitoring & reporting

Measure performance & learning monitoring

Get a clear overview of the performance of your learners thanks to the accurate report. Choose between the detailed view “by stage” or “by learners”.
Suivi et rapports statistiques dans Learning Routine ® sur Cards

Use case

Des Use case By a hundred

Whatever your job or field of activity, explore the versatility of Learning Routine®, a powerful & transformative tool for every learning context.
visuel de l'application mobile learning et micro-learning : Cards
Learning Routine® by Cards
Learning Routine®

Your content in fashion memorable!

Learning Routine® It is the ultimate tool for creating learning routines adapted to the pace and progress of each person.

Sequence, automate and Analyze your learning routines in no time. Your training courses become memorable!

You will facilitate theOpening up internal knowledge And the sharing everyone's knowledge.

The questions you ask yourself?

There are always topics on which we would like to have a clear, precise and sometimes concise answer. Here we present the main frequently asked questions related to the theme of this page.

Do you have more questions?

Consult our dedicated FAQ page (frequently asked questions) or contact us with pleasure.
Contact us
What is Learning Routine®?

It's our flagship feature and technology that allows you to create learning routines adapted to everyone's pace and progress. You can sequence, automate, and analyze your training courses in no time with Learning Routine®. It is also a trademark registered by our company aimed at protecting our technology and R&D on the subject.

How do you create routines?

On your Cards account, you can access the Learning Routine® feature and create as many routines as you want (based on your Cards subscription of course).

What is the creative assistant for?

The assistant is there to help you save time designing your routine. Select the courses to be deployed as part of a routine and the assistant takes care of the rest.